Important Notice to All

Great day to you all.

Here is praying and believing that you and all those who will join this group will greatly benefit spiritually from the post, comments and responses on this group as we individually and together pursue our JOURNEY TO GOD (attaining the stature of the perfect heavenly man on the earth)

A limited WhatsApp group or online platforms cannot do justice in making you really know what The Father’s House Kingdom Ministry is REALLY all about. 
This group is only an initial platform to connect and to introduce this ministry with overview and outlines

In the course of this year, The Father’s House Kingdom Ministry will continue to pursue the present flow of The Holy Spirit towards The Lord’s ultimate goal and agenda to the end of time as the bringing of all mankind to the manifestation as the sons of God.

If you were to ONLY hear MY CHARGE TO YOU: 

TO SIMPLY FULLY COMMIT AND CONNECT TO ALL the meetings on The Lighthouse Kingdom Prophetic Ministry as show in the 2020 itinerary, I can assure you that you will see with clarity THE VISION OF GOD and would be fully furnished with THE MISSION OF GOD which ultimately and eventually lead you to THE COMMISSION OF GOD and finally to the multi-faceted PROVISION OF GOD which will enable you to take up your JOURNEY TO GOD, bringing you to THE LIFE OF GOD IN CHRIST BY THE HOLY SPIRIT.

As you commit and connect to the meetings of The Lighthouse Kingdom Prophetic Ministry which is the first of 3 platforms: word of truth, spirit of truth and spirit of life of the truth of THE KINGDOM.

I will STRONGLY ADVICE that you commit and continue to attend all the meetings as you note and recognize what you agree with and enjoy what you understand, while taking what you don’t agree with and understand to The Lord in prayer with a sincere and humble heart, allowing time for Him to show you one way or another His mind concerning the TRUTH presented in this ministry.

Committing and connecting to The Lighthouse Kingdom Prophetic Ministry will enable you to review and progress with the truths presented in the ministry at your own pace.


-        In this decade, God is not calling people out of the world into the carnal church (ecclesia) of the church age, but calling all people out of the world and the carnal church to be the over-comers (elect) who will manifest as sons of God , so  that they will reign with Him in the kingdom (millennium ) age. There is now a revealing of the full glorious gospel which will be ministered as kingdom evangelism.

-        We do not need a prophet to tell us that there is something missing in the way the ‘gospel has been preached and ‘church’ has been done so far during  the last 2000 years. In the same way that an immature seed when planted will die and a mature seed when planted will sprout up a produce fruit and seed after its kind, so an immature gospel will produce death (the letter that killeth) and a mature gospel will produce life (the spirit giveth life ) and the image of the likeness of the seed. For 2000 years this carnal dying church was produced by an immature gospel of the salvation into the kingdom of God in Christ BUT NOW a glorious church of the bride of Christ, without spot or wrinkle will be produced by the mature gospel which is now being revealed on the earth. Everyone needs to take the trouble to revisit their assumed understanding of the gospel lest they get a rude shock of discovering that everything that they thought they know and knew is NOW no longer truth. There is the light for the last day that makes what you know before to be darkness, for the path of the just is getting bright unto the perfect third day.

-        God is NOW giving us the full revelation of Christ which is able to cause those who hear and it by The Spirit to manifest as sons of God. This manifestation is the ‘rapture’ as shown in rev 12. So that he who (the revelation of) The Son sets free is free in deed is made a reality.

-        In this next decade a people will be clearly seen as the over-comers who will go on to manifest son-ship as the first fruit being caught up.  
–AMMAH Christy
The above truth is made clearer in our meetings.
Only the sincere, who have no personal agendas, who seek nothing, but all that the faith of Christ is REALLY all about will make it as the remnant/elect.


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